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Veterinary FAQs

View our FAQ section below to learn more about Highline Veterinary Hospital and access other helpful information.

We’re here to help.

Please feel free to contact us if you can’t find the information you’re looking for!

What are your hospital hours?

  • Monday – Friday (8:00 AM – 5:00 PM)
  • We are closed from 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM daily for the lunch hour
  • Closed on the following holidays:
    • Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, New Years Day

What do I do if I have a pet emergency after hours?

If you experience an emergency after our normal business hours, please reach out to Blue Pearl Renton at 425-496-1000.

Does my pet need an appointment?

Yes — we require appointments. Please call and speak with a client service representative to schedule an appointment (online booking hopefully coming soon!)

How much does it cost?

We offer nose-to-tail examinations and a 30-minute consultation with the doctor for $95. We will be able to give you a more accurate gauge of the total cost once we spend some time with your pet. We don’t know what your pet needs until we have the chance to meet them! We treat every pet on an individualized basis as we know no two pets are the same! Once we have some time to evaluate your pet, we will provide you with a complete written treatment plan that also details the cost of said services. This will occur before any further treatment is given to ensure we have your final approval before proceeding. We don’t like surprises when it comes to money, and we know you don’t either.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept cash, credit, debit, check, as well as Scratchpay and Care Credit.

Do you accept insurance? How does that work?

We are more than happy to accommodate you regardless of what pet insurance company you use. Pet insurance companies usually have you, the pet owner, pay the bill up-front at the vet’s office. After your visit, you submit the paid receipt and a claim form to the insurance company. They will review the claim and issue you a check.

Why was I asked to bring in a fecal (stool) sample?

Dogs and cats can carry intestinal parasites that may be harmful to them or could be contagious to humans. Testing the stool allows us to detect parasites and ensure they are healthy.

We recommend testing twice a year in accordance with the companion animal parasite council recommendations:

If your pet is having intestinal problems, such as diarrhea or vomiting, a fecal sample is also recommended.

How to collect a fecal sample:

  • Obtain a fresh sample (soft and moist) within the last 4-6 hours.
  • Place sample in a ziplock baggie or clean plastic container.
  • Complimentary collection kits are available upon request.
  • Store the sample in the fridge if it will be more than a few hours until you can bring it to the hospital
  • For kitties – It’s ok if there is litter on the sample!

Why did my vet recommend annual bloodwork?

Blood testing once a year helps monitor your pet’s health. An annual blood screen evaluates your pet’s blood sugar, kidney health, liver health, and more! By testing annually, we can monitor trends in your pet’s health and provide early detection of diseases.

What do I do if my pet is having a dental procedure or surgery?

All pets need to be fasted prior to anesthesia. No food or water after 9 PM the night before surgery.

Drop-off times are between 8:00 – 8:30 AM. At that time, a veterinary assistant will go over all options and any questions you might have on the day of surgery.

Once your pet’s procedure is completed, a veterinary assistant will call to check in with you about your pet’s status and what time to pick him or her up.

My pet hates coming to the vet. What can I do to make it easier?

Your pet can sense your stress about his/her visit. The team here at Highline Veterinary Hospital tries to make the environment here feel as calm and relaxing as possible. You’ll find fuzzy blankets for cats, lots of treats, and gentle fear-free handling of your pet for all exams. If you know ahead of time that your pet will be or might be stressed, please call us to talk about it prior to the exam. There are medications available to administer to your pet at home prior to your visit to help him or her feel less nervous while spending time with us.