Accepting new clients!
Same day appointments available 

Please note: We will be closed on Tuesday and Wednesday for the Holidays and will be closing early on Tuesday, December 31st, and closed on January 1st for New Year’s! 

Your Other Family Doctor

Serving the Burien Community Since 1968!

Offering compassionate veterinary care in Burien, WA!

We love this community, and we’re proud to be a top-rated veterinary hospital in the area. Highline Veterinary Hospital is a privately-owned small animal hospital offering preventative care, vaccinations, dental care, spay/neuter services, annual wellness blood testing, and digital radiographs. We look forward to seeing you soon!

We’re here for all stages of your pet’s life.

Our goal is to continue the amazing culture of pet care that Dr. Roxane Jackson built. That’s why we’re honoring her legacy by providing the same over-the-top care for your pet during every single visit. Over time, we hope to build trust with your family by keeping your pet happy and healthy. Dr. Logan is the new owner and will continue to provide the same overthetop care.

Preventative Care

We keep your pet happy and healthy.

Dental Care

Your pet’s oral health is more important than you think.


We offer many types of soft tissue surgeries.


We’re equipped to diagnose and treat quickly.

Life here is grand! Take a look for yourself.